retro design

all is optional.

Time for a quick look back through my days in web­car­pen­try. No clear divides on the interweb any­more, and inter­mixed with a boat­load of audio-visual, social media and gaming for­mats the humble web­page holds its posi­tion well.

More reliance on ready-made solutions and libraries behind web­sites now than when I star­ted, and web stan­dards have evolved. Better browsers now too.

These days one can spread text and/or images across fea­ture­less screens and call it “retro design”, so web design has gone full circle and then some since I started. All good with that, as creative designers have been provided with so much to play and/or mess up things with over the years that they will never run out of options.

Design trends evolve and expand until they reach cri­ti­cal mass – the same look found every­where. They are then left behind as “old and out­dated”, and “new ideas” are intro­duced.

Why does anyone throw out what works, just to go another round between what is “in” or “out” at any given time, until the circle is com­pleted once more?

Well, I don't know, and few in the busi­ness seem to have good answers to that ques­tion other than that they are bored with what they have and want some­thing new. Besides; designers and front-end coders need jobs to go to too, which of course is correct.

That is OK for private and/or experi­men­tal, sites, but radical visual changes to com­mer­cial sites most likely just con­fuse and throw off fre­quent visi­tors for no good reason.

upgrade under the hood

All sites can be improved, and addi­tions and modi­fica­tions can be intro­duced at any time with­out fre­quent visi­tors noti­cing much of any­thing – at least nothing negative.

Adding and testing options is one way to prepare a design for what may come in months and years ahead. Having several alter­na­tives pre­pared in the form of CSS and scripts does not have to add much code-weight to existing files, and opti­mi­sa­tion of what is in actual use may shave off lots more.

I mainly just comment out, or leave alone, what isn't needed at the moment, once I have com­ple­ted test­ing all options. The few milli­seconds I could have shaved off of first load by deleting CSS and scripts that aren't needed right away, simply isn't worth it with today's con­nec­tions.
A few things have (most defi­ni­tely) been improved over the years regarding the global inter­web, and is (most defi­ni­tely) not a com­mer­cial site that has to be con­cer­ned about rankings.

honing skills

As I haven't written in this design section for more than two years, it was about time I added a short notice. Have after all upgraded the design you are looking at, and the code behind this site, quite a few times since last writing.
Not that I think returning visi­tors have noticed much of any­thing, as most upgrades have been focused on minute details. Fine­tuning visual imper­fec­tions under the hood, so to speak.

I am not as active in front-end coding and web design as I was a decade ago. A few small pro­jects a year will have to do, as that is all I have time, and patience, for.
Main thing is that I keep my skill­sets honed, and focus on learn­ing new ways to solve old design issues. I am not much for repe­ti­tive rou­tine work any­more, if I ever was.

sincerely  georg; sign

Hageland 26.may.2020
last rev: 26.may.2020

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